Four Churches Alpha Course

Post date: Sep 19, 2009 8:57:18 PM

After much preparation over the summer months by Liz Wilson and Sheila Parker, 17th September saw the launch of the Mellor Churches Together Alpha Course —and what a delightful and memorable evening it turned out to be!

32 adults (and 3 children) were in Mellor Methodist Church for a taster session on Alpha, and it was heart-warming to see all four churches represented. The evening started with supper ( a delicious home made Cottage Pie and Fruit Yoghurt Dessert), which was followed by an introduction to Alpha via DVD by Revd Nicky Gumble, Vicar at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton (familiarly known as HTB and the church where Alpha was born). HTB is used for filming all the Alpha DVDs. Refreshments were served after the showing of the DVD, and the evening ended with Rev’d Will Grady hosting a game that got everyone talking to each other!

The Alpha course starts on Thursday, 24th September and the timetable is as follows:

24th September Session 1 Who is Jesus?

1st October No Alpha meeting as it is the Harvest Supper at St Leonard’s, Balderstone, to which all the Churches Together have been invited.

8th October Session 2 Why did Jesus die?

15th October Session 3 How can we have faith?

22nd October Session 4 Why and how do I pray?

29th October Half Term holiday.

5th November Session 5 Why and how should I read the Bible?

12th November Session 6 How does God guide us?

19th November Session 7 How can I resist evil?

21st November Away-Day The Holy Spirit

26th November Session 8 Why and how should I tell others?

3rd December Session 9 Does God heal today?

10th December Session 10 What about the Church?

Each session starts at 7.30pm and ends at 9.30pm. It’s not too late to join us, although it is recommended that if you miss the first three sessions, it may be better to wait until the next Alpha Course begins—possibly in the New Year.

Anyone interested should contact Liz (07770 653893) or Sheila (01254 812895)