'Let's get messy, with Janet'
Post date: Nov 26, 2009 8:27:32 AM
There were 45 of us at the 24th November meeting in the Narthex when Janet Slater from 'Potter n' Paint' brought lots of equipment from her shop at Oswaldtwistle Mills.
Very soon the little ones were dabbing paint on baubles and other Christmas shapes and babies were having their hands painted to make prints on mugs - we smiled when one mum asked Janet to customize her baby's mug with ' get your grubby little hands off my mug'....
Linking nicely with the afternoon's activity was the 'assembly' theme ' What can be do with our hands?' - even the babies could clap, wave and point.
Thank you to Janet for organising the activity, Hilda and Irene for preparing the refreshments and all who brought the little ones to Church.
Margaret & Rita
ps Don't forget the visit from Mrs McPherson and Class 1 who will be singing for us on Tuesday, 15th December.