Who's who?
Rev'd Karen Herschell 01254 814041
Email: unitedbeneficebms@outlook.com
Licensed Lay Reader
Mrs Pam Daunton 01772 877017
Church Wardens
Sarah Lees 07450 295417
Lloyd Brown 07714 791256
Parochial Church Council
Vice Chairperson
Geoff Gill
Ann Doolan 07969 047984
Mary Brown 07832 625646
Margaret Baldwin (2021) Geoff Gill (2021)
Rita Gorman (2021) Derek Haworth (2022)
Helen Holroyd (2022) Joan Moss (2022)
Mark Smith (2022) Debbie Summersgill (2022)
Graham Tipper (2021) David Wain (2021)
Dorothy Walsh (2022) Marilyn Watson (2020)
Janice Ball Barbara Bibby
Sue Brown Graham Calvert
Peter Cowell Kevan Dean
Ian Moss Joan Moss
Alan Smith Frances Thompson
Graham Tipper Noel Walsh
Christian Stewardship
Recorder Helen Holroyd
Gift Aid Secretary Helen Adams
Electoral Roll Officer
Graham Tipper
Deanery Synod
Sue Gill Christine Taylor
Little Angels
Margaret Baldwin Rita Gorman
Children’s Society
Debbie Chadwick
Social & Fund Raising Committee
Rita Gorman, Debbie Summersgill,
Mark Smith, Helen Holroyd, Joan Moss
Editor Michael Oddie
Web Admin
Website: www.mellorparishchurch.org
Richard Jones: admin@mellorparishchurch.org
St Mary’s C.E. Primary School
Headteacher Mrs Joanne Embley-Peers 01254 812581
Clerk to the Governors Mrs Pat Cooper
Site Supervisor M. Venables
Friends of St Mary’s School (FOSMS)
Zohra Nisar (zohranisar@icloud.com) and Scott Hellier
Mothers’ Union Altar Flowers
Margaret Ashton Joan Moss
Rainbows Guides
Lynn Fish (Wren) Helen Adams helendentith@btinternet.com
Mellor Brook Brownies
Michelle Venn
PCSO Caroline Pemberton
Tel 01200 458766 (Voicemail)
Chris Wilson Rob Cooper Tom Shaw
Stewart Woodward Bernard Whalley Gordon Hayes
Volunteers still required
As we now have a regular “team” leading our services we thought it would be good to formally introduce them to everyone!
Revd. Gill Dyer – Has recently moved into Mellor having retired as Priest-in-Charge of Whalley, Sabden and Pendleton. Gill is also part of the Diocesan Advisory Team for Spiritual Direction.
Canon Pam Daunton – UB Licensed Lay Minister. Is the Reader at Samlesbury Church and while St. Leonard the Less remains the focus of her ministry, she also takes occasional evening services at St Mary’s, Mellor
The United Benefice are enormously grateful for their ministry to us.