Father Roland - October 2019
Post date: Nov 1, 2019 3:43:36 PM
Vicar’s Message
“The Word is like a Seed”
My Dear Friends
This is the time of year when all around the country in Parish Churches the HARVEST is celebrated.
A seed is a marvellous thing – it can make barren ground fruitful – BUT a seed is extremely weak and vulnerable. It depends entirely on the kind of soil in which it is sown. If the soil is lacking, the seed will come to nothing; if the soil is good, it will produce a rich harvest.
So it is with a word. A word is a powerful thing. It can comfort, inspire, teach, correct, challenge, change a life – OR it can come to nothing. It is completely dependent upon the attitude of the one who hears it.
The parable of the sower makes for good reading at this time of year.
We know what happened when some seed fell onto stony ground - it took root - and soon withered away because of lack of soil and moisture.
So it is with people who hear the word – but when it comes to carrying it out – they lose enthusiasm and quickly abandon it.
Some seed fell into ground where weeds lay in wait – the seed gets a good start then the weeds appear and the seed gets smothered.
There are people who receive the word – BUT they have so many other interests, that the most important gets crowded out – too busy to pray or attend worship.
Finally, some seed fell on good soil – putting down strong roots, found nourishment and produce a good harvest.
This goes for people who hear the word, understand it and then act on it. Their lives are enriched by it.
The seed of God’s word, once dropped into the human heart, never dies. It is never too late to act on the word of God.
The word of God is a seed, it comes to us as a friend. It is a sign of God’s love for us. Through His word God calls us to a fuller and more fruitful life. Its purpose is to enrich us and that enrichment is the result when a person hears the word and acts on it.
If we refuse to receive the word, or if we receive it and don’t act on it, we are the losers.
Read the parable Matthew 13: 1-23 and then decide which seed you are.
Yours in Christ
Father Roland