Report of 'Little Angels' Activities 2012
Post date: Mar 18, 2013 4:36:44 PM
“Little Angels”
Since the group started in 1998 we have continued to meet at 2.15pm in the Narthex on the last Tuesday of each month
during school term time .
A short, informal assembly is taken by Margaret and Rita before the children play with toys and the adults enjoy a chat
and a cup of tea prepared by Hilda and Irene.
During 2012 Year We Have Enjoyed
Our Birthday Party in April
Visits of the Reception Class in June and December
Celebrating the 2012 Olympic Games and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee,
Meeting together to explore the themes of growing, light, loving, feelings . . .
. . . and taking part in a Nativity “ It’s all about a Baby!”
Our links with St. Mary’s Primary School are strong and we are grateful to Mrs Taylor for her support.
All pre school children from birth onwards are welcome to join us each month with their carers.
Our aim is to provide an opportunity for adults and children to come to church and share each other’s company in a friendly, informal atmosphere.
We are encouraged by the regular attendance and support of parents and grandparents and also,
very grateful to Hilda,Irene & Gillian who supply the refreshments.
Margaret Baldwin and Rita Gorman