PCC Review of the Year 2015

Post date: Apr 10, 2016 7:29:36 AM

Parochial Church Council Review of the Year 2015

The PCC met 6 times during the year. In addition, there were the Vestry Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. We faced these with some trepidation, as new officers were needed. We were grateful, therefore, that David Holroyd and Barbara Lucas were elected as the new churchwardens and Lorna Shaw as Treasurer. David Adams was appointed later as co-Treasurer. We thank them for all their hard work. Jean Freeman, Derek Howarth, Linda Livesey, Lorna Shaw, Graham Tipper and Dorothy Walsh were welcomed as new members, giving us a particularly strong PCC membership. We also note the support of Graham Calvert and Hilda Hilton. The PCC members have continued to operate an assistant wardens rota at services, to help the churchwardens and the sidespersons.

During the year there were three major fundraising efforts: the Village Quiz, the Barbecue and the Autumn Fayre. In terms both of support and income generated, these events go from strength to strength. The PCC gives heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in these events, whether as part of the organising committees, the helpers or the people who supported them.

The various organisations within the Church have continued to flourish: the Mothers’ Union, the Sunday School, Vision (formerly Youth Fellowship) and Little Angels.

We have greatly appreciated Mike Wilcock’s contribution to our worship as organist and choirmaster and his and Liz’s talents at the special services they have organised. Our thanks go to Margaret Baldwin and Frank Ashton who also played at services. We have also enjoyed the monthly All Age Worship services and are grateful to Debbie Chadwick and Karen Walsh for preparing and leading them.

The church school continues to provide a wonderful start to our children’s lives thanks to Mrs Taylor and her staff and we look forward to and enjoy their participation, together with that of our own Sunday School children, in our services. We wish Mrs Taylor all the best on her retirement.

The church continues to look attractive and welcoming thanks to our cleaners and our flower ladies, led by Joan Moss, while the churchyard is maintained throughout the summer by the willing team of mowers. The church clock and chimes also continue to play an important part in the life of the village thanks to the care and attention they are given by Alan Bibby.

The parish magazine flourishes under the editorship of Rita Gorman and Ron Hak. Richard Jones and Chris Davis ensure the website and notices are up to date and informative. The Fair Trade stall continues to be held on the first Sunday of most months. The work of the card ladies is ever present, supporting a variety of charities. We thank our Rose Queen, Caitlin Slater, for her work for charity. We also thank the ladies who make the coffee for us, not only after All Age Worship and parish communion on the first Sunday of the month but also at the weekly coffee mornings.

Thanks are again due to all those who help with our services: visiting clergy, Nigel, choir, sidespersons and servers. Reverend Roland Nicholson celebrated 40 years in the priesthood and our vicar, Reverend Sue Williams, was appointed as Canon of Whalley. To everyone who has supported the church in any way during the year, and there are far too many of you to name individually, we hope you will accept this note of thanks and appreciation. Without you all, the Parish Church of St Mary, Mellor, would not be the centre of our worship and witness.

Finally, despite the many aspects of church life for which to be grateful, it is with great sadness and regret that we face the resignation of Sister Sue on 1st May. In her own words, she has attempted to be a “full time vicar” in the three churches of the United Benefice and “this is no longer possible”. A combined PCCs meeting with the Bishop of Burnley and meetings with all the churchwardens have not resolved this. We thank her for all she has tried to do for us and trust that she will be restored to full health. We clearly face a difficult time in the inter regnum.

David Holroyd Barbara Lucas James Saunders

Churchwarden Churchwarden Secretary