Parochial Church Council News

Post date: Sep 28, 2012 3:48:23 PM

At its recent meetings, the PCC has discussed a large number of items.

The Children’s Corner in the Narthex will be refurbished to make it attractive to a range of ages and a Lady Chapel will be created in the north aisle, near the organ, for small group services to take place.

The future of Evensong, given the small number attending, will need to be considered when a new incumbent is appointed, as will the format of All Age Worship. These services, together with the activities of the Sunday School and Youth Fellowship, are crucial to the future of St. Mary’s. We need to do all we can to encourage and support young people and young families to be involved members of our church. (These issues feature prominently in the September edition of “The See”.)

Support for charities has focussed on Montgomery Heights, a Christian Care Centre in Zimbabwe, and – closer to home – on the Blackburn Foodbank initiative, promoted by The Trussell Trust.

The Quinquennial Report into the fabric and maintenance of the church building was the subject of a special meeting. A number of items were discussed, but the most urgent concerns the removal of asbestos in the boiler room in order to treat a dry rot problem. Fortunately, funds are available for this work to be undertaken. Also, some work remains to be done to rectify the leak from the vestry roof.

We hope that a new incumbent may be appointed in the near future. We ask for your prayers in helping to guide the PCC members who will be involved in this process.

Sue Saunders (Secretary)