Parochial Church Council

Post date: Apr 19, 2014 8:59:55 AM

At the Annual General Meeting on 16 March 2014, having completed their terms of office, Graham Tipper and Jim Saunders resigned as Churchwardens and Steward Woodward as Treasurer. An Extraordinary Vestry Meeting was held on 13 April to appoint new office holders. Hilda Hilton was happy to serve as Churchwarden once again, for a period of one year, but we were unable to find a second nominee. Graham will take over as Treasurer and Jim will continue to act as Secretary. We are grateful to all who offered to assist in any way and hope that a team of helpers, working together, will make life easier for those who have taken on these responsibilities. The life of St Mary’s depends so much on all those who so willingly give of their time in so many ways.