Januray 2012
Post date: Dec 30, 2011 9:14:32 AM
Mellor St. Mary C. E. Primary School News
Happy 2012 from everyone at school. It is great to start the New Year with a very positive Information and Communication Technology (ICT) subject inspection report from Ofsted. I include a summary below: The overall effectiveness of ICT is good.
. Pupils enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with levels of attainment in ICT which are above national expectations. They make good progress throughout the school and, by the end of Year 6, leave with standards that are above national averages. This represents good progress.
. Pupils with special educational needs are given effective support by teachers and teaching assistants, and make the same good progress as other groups of pupils.
. Pupils’ behaviour in lessons is outstanding. Lesson observations and discussions with pupils indicate that they are very positive about ICT and are enthusiastic users of ICT to support their learning.
. Pupils are supported to learn how to become responsible users of new technologies in lessons and through assemblies and have a clear understanding of how to keep themselves safe when using new technologies at school and at home. The quality of the curriculum in ICT is outstanding.
. The use of ICT to support learning across the school is outstanding. Pupils have very good access to ICT and it is used appropriately in many curriculum areas to develop their learning. The Parents’ Association is very supportive of the developments for ICT and has made a substantial financial commitment in recent years.
. The school has plans to develop a virtual learning environment (VLE) to enable better access for pupils.
. Technical support is good and ensures that systems are reliable and available when needed.
. Staff have received training on how to keep pupils and themselves safe while using new technologies.
. Self-evaluation is accurate and the school has a good capacity to improve further. Areas for improvement include:
. Improving the quality of pupils’ learning and their progress in ICT by using assessment information more effectively to monitor, support and challenge all pupils.
Christine Taylor