PCC Archived articles

Post date: Apr 19, 2015 8:04:48 AM

Parochial Church Council Review of the Year 2014

This year has been a difficult year with only one churchwarden. However, the introduction of PCC members as assistant wardens, individuals taking on specific tasks, and the support of Graham Calvert and Hilda Hilton has been a great help.

During the year there were five major fundraising efforts: the Village Quiz, the Art Festival, the Barbecue, Autumn Fayre and Christmas Tree Festival. Thanks go to everyone involved in these events whether as part of the organising committees or through their support at them.

The PCC met 6 times during the year and there was also the encouraging meeting with the Archdeacon of Blackburn to review the work of the PCC. In addition to these there were the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and two Vestry meetings, the second extraordinary meeting being required as regrettably no churchwardens had been appointed at the first meeting prior to the APCM. Another combined PCC Away Day was held in September to discuss United Benefice issues.

Stewart Woodward, Jean Freeman and Bill Shaw resigned from the PCC; we thank them for all their hard work. Sue Saunders and Marilyn Watson were welcomed as new members. It is with great sadness that we remember the loss of two PCC members who contributed so much over so many years, Geoff Peake and Sonia Tipper.

The successful Repair Appeal concluded in February having met its target of £52,000, which not only enabled the work to be completed but also restored the reserves held with the Diocese of Blackburn back to the pre repair levels.

The various organisations within the Church have continued to flourish: the Mothers’ Union, the Sunday School, Youth Fellowship and Little Angels.

During the year Geoff Hill resigned from the position of Organist and Choirmaster as he moved from the area and thanks go to Margaret Baldwin, Frank Ashton and Rosemary Potts who played for services and organised choir practice until a new Organist and Choirmaster was appointed. We welcomed Mike Wilcock to this role in the autumn and have greatly appreciated Mike’s contribution to our worship over the recent months.

The church school continues to provide a wonderful start to our children’s lives thanks to Mrs Taylor and her staff and we look forward to and enjoy their participation, together with that of our own Sunday School children, in our services. We congratulate them on the quality of their OFSTED and SIAMS reports.

The church continues to look attractive and welcoming thanks to our cleaners and our flower ladies, led by Joan Moss, while the churchyard is maintained throughout the summer by the willing team of mowers. The church clock and chimes also continue to play an important part in the life of the village thanks to the care and attention they are given by Alan Bibby.

The parish magazine flourishes under the editorship of Rita Gorman and Ron Hak. Richard Jones and Chris Davis ensure the website and notices are up to date and informative. The Fair Trade stall continues to be held on the first Sunday of most months and the work of the card ladies is ever present.

Thanks are again due to all those who help with our services: visiting clergy, Nigel, choir, sidespersons and servers. We also thank the ladies who make the coffee for us, not only after parish communion on the first Sunday of the month but also at the weekly coffee mornings.

Finally, to everyone who has supported the church in any way during the year, and there are far too many of you to name individually, we hope you will accept this note of thanks and appreciation. Without you all, the Parish Church of St Mary, Mellor, would not be the centre of our worship and witness.

As this is his last report as Churchwarden, Graham would like to thank the parish for giving him the honour to serve as Churchwarden and for the support he has received during the last six years.

Graham Tipper Jim Saunders

Church Warden Secretary

PCC Update from November 2012 Parish Magazine

At its recent meetings, the PCC has discussed a large number of items.

The Children’s Corner in the Narthex will be refurbished to make it attractive to a range of ages and a Lady Chapel will be created in the north aisle, near the organ, for small group services to take place.

The future of Evensong, given the small number attending, will need to be considered when a new incumbent is appointed, as will the format of All Age Worship. These services, together with the activities of the Sunday School and Youth Fellowship, are crucial to the future of St. Mary’s. We need to do all we can to encourage and support young people and young families to be involved members of our church. (These issues feature prominently in the September edition of “The See”.)

Support for charities has focussed on Montgomery Heights, a Christian Care Centre in Zimbabwe, and – closer to home – on the Blackburn Foodbank initiative, promoted by The Trussell Trust.

The Quinquennial Report into the fabric and maintenance of the church building was the subject of a special meeting. A number of items were discussed, but the most urgent concerns the removal of asbestos in the boiler room in order to treat a dry rot problem. Fortunately, funds are available for this work to be undertaken. Also, some work remains to be done to rectify the leak from the vestry roof.

We hope that a new incumbent may be appointed in the near future. We ask for your prayers in helping to guide the PCC members who will be involved in this process.

Sue Saunders (Secretary)

PCC Update – Appointment of Priest-in-Charge

The PCC met on Monday 6th February to consider two documents that must be completed before a meeting with the Bishop of Burnley. Only after this meeting can the vacancy be advertised.

The two documents are a Statement of Needs and a Parish Profile which will give a prospective incumbent information about the parish and what qualities we would ideally like him/her to have.

A draft Statement of Needs was completed at the meeting, to be reviewed by all members of the PCC before the next meeting on Monday 20th February. The Parish Profile will also be considered at this meeting.