Mellor St. Mary C. E. Primary School News - April 2010

Post date: Mar 31, 2010 1:59:06 PM

Every year, Holy Week has to start early in school. From 22"d March, daily worship will take place in the school hall led by different members of staff. Each act of worship will be based on the days from Palm Sunday to the Last Supper and then Good Friday to Easter Day. A range of interactive resources will be used for each day so that the children understand the significance of each event leading to the Resurrection. The children have also been designing, cutting and sewing a new altar cloth for our worship table. The Year 6 pupils drew and coloured their ideas which were then linked together and scanned into five pictures by Julia Allison; a textile artist. Julia then worked in class with the Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children. They cut and sewed the pictures which Julia then completed by oversewing. The final product was delivered to school and revealed to the children last Friday at the end of worship. It is displayed in the hall together with the drawings and looks fantastic! I am sure that it will be used for many years and the children will remember which part of the cloth belongs to each of them.

The annual Easter Parade and Open Afternoon will take place on Thursday, 1st April at 1.30 p.m. in the School Hall. All parents are welcome to attend. There will be a display of decorated eggs and colouring pictures in the Hall. Each child will design and produce an Easter bonnet and then walk around the Hall to display their hat. There will be children's songs followed by an opportunity for parents to walk around the classrooms to observe children taking part in a series of art activities.

The children start their Easter break on Thursday, Ist April and return on Monday 19"' April.

Happy Easter to all parishioners from the children, staff and governors.

Chris Taylor
